Thursday, October 31, 2019

Discrimination Against Prisoners with Learning Disabilities Essay

Discrimination Against Prisoners with Learning Disabilities - Essay Example An inexplicably huge population of prisoners has mental disabilities; the World Health Organisation (WHO) reports that a large number of prisoners in Europe have some kind of mental disorder, specifically learning disability. A current study conducted in New South Wales, Australia reported that 80% of the total prisoner population have a mental disorder. In the United States, more than half of the prisoner population are under medication for psychotic problems and major depression. Studies in the United Kingdom have reported a comparable situation. As reported by a current Prison Reform Trust study, prisoners with learning disabilities experience discrimination and other human rights violence. Among people with mental disorders those with learning disorders are still among the most discriminated and mistreated members of the society. According to the United Nations Special Rapporteur, â€Å"... [t]heir neglect is reflected in society at large, among the health professionals, and in the human rights community† (Rosenberg & Rosenberg, 2012, p. 105). This discrimination and neglect are even more severe in the prison environment in numerous countries. Current studies in several countries have revealed the huge population of prisoners suffering from learning disabilities and the severely insufficient attention given to their mental health care needs.   Some individuals with learning disabilities are at risk of criminal behaviour and are, thus, predisposed to have dealings with the criminal justice system.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Criticisms Trafficking Perspective Essay Example for Free

Criticisms Trafficking Perspective Essay The pentameter 1 and 2 and the United Kingdoms government Action plan to tackle trafficking have many deficiencies regarding the ability of the victims to access human rights. First, the victims are given minimum care. However, there is minimal concern for women who are trafficked for other reasons other than sexual abuse. The United Kingdom government, through the provisions of the two articles, has shown very little commitment to provide fully for this category of women. In most cases, they just remain in the Poppy project. There is also very little awareness creation amongst the rescued women about men who demand to buy sex from them. This means that they are not fully protected because despite the fact that the women have been rescued from the initial traffickers, they are still in danger of sexual abuse from men who seek to pay for their sexual services. These women mostly give in to such demands because of their lack of finances and employment (USAID, 2006). Besides, because of limited skills and education, the women lack options and just give in to the demands of the men. The understanding and implementation of victim care is very narrow. The victims have limited access to the services that they require. Aspects of employment, education, recreation, interpretation of languages and legal representation are seldom given priority, however basic they sound to be. These victims are also not assisted during documentation procedures especially those from other nations. Hence, they spend more time than they need to in rehabilitation centers. The United Kingdom lacks specialized care for children and young people relieved from human trafficking. The children usually have special needs making them require special support systems. The rescue process hardly provides for this. Besides, special services like education for this category are not availed. Other services include individualized counseling, protection from harm and providing them with special diets (National Childrens Bureau, 2002) There are no provisions of training, education and employment for the rescued individuals. This is considered unfair especially to school going age children. Besides, one of the contributing factors to human trafficking is poverty. This means that the individual may lack adequate skills needed for employment. The United Kingdom system does not provide funds for training rescued individuals, much as it could be a sure way of addressing poverty. Lack of employment or training opportunities has led to the victims escaping from the rehabilitation centers, at times falling back in to the hands of the traffickers and at times just searching for employment away from the rehabilitation centers (Rosenberg, 2004). The system does not specify clear strategies that would ensure that trafficked individuals are united with their families. Family reunification would reduce congestion in the rehabilitation centers. It is also considered as an immediate measure especially when individuals are United Kingdom citizens. Besides, it is cheaper as compared to keeping the victims in to rehabilitation centers. The victims are also not involved in the process of formulating policies that concern them. These policies address their needs and theoretically, they ought to be very vocal during formulation of such policies. This would ensure that their basic needs are considered and addressed accordingly. Belser (2005) argues that it also gives them a sense of security and ownership. These contribute to the sustainability of projects set up to address their concerns. There is stigma usually associated with the trafficked persons. This includes associating the persons with vices like prostitution. The pentameter 1 and 2 and the UK government action plan on human trafficking fails to give clear measures on how they would address this. Stigmatization of the rescued individuals by the entire public contributes to psychological effects including isolation. Isolation causes stress related complications and affects social cohesion. Lack of social cohesion increases tension amongst the group and this makes coping difficult. Clear strategies need to be initiated to educate the public about this. Stigmatization also discourages the rescued victims from adopting socially acceptable behavior. The system also lacks gender sensitive strategies when rescuing individuals. Men, as well as women have different needs and this should be addressed accordingly (Anderson, 2003). The needs of women especially those basic for survival need to be given priority in order to discourage them from escaping from the rehabilitation centers. The identification procedure is also not clear in the two articles. This has led to the victims of human trafficking being treated as immigration criminals in some instances. This makes the individuals more frustrated and the effects associated with this are significant. For example, they develop psychological illnesses and stress. There is also a gap with respect to the provisions of men who fall victims of human trafficking. The two articles do not give any information on how the needs of men would be met, once they fall victims of sexual harassment and prostitution. The documents focus more on women and children. Despite the fact that the number of men is small, they are also victims and their needs should be given equal priority. The security of the human trafficking individuals, even when they are in the rehabilitation centers is not fully assured. ECPAT UK (2004) explains that this has led to the disappearance of some children from the centers, mainly because they are lured away by the initial traffickers or they go looking for jobs to support themselves. The two articles fail to provide clear procedures that would be used to help change the attitudes of women who are victims but are reluctant abandon the practice due to economic and or behavioral factors. Attitudes have a primary role in changing the behaviors of people. Developing positive attitudes ensures that people do and behave as expected. Efforts therefore would need to be channeled to assisting the rescued victims change their attitude. This will also be instrumental in helping them resist the temptation of falling back to prostitution in extreme cases where they lack finances. In addition, positive attitudes would help the victims recover quickly from the shock of being assaulted. REFERENCE Anderson, B. and Davidson, J. O. (2003). Is Trafficking a Human Beings Demand Driven? A Muilti-country Pilot Study. Geneva: IOM. Belser, P. (2005). Forced Labor and Human Trafficking: Estimating the Profits, Working Paper. Geneva: International Labor Organization Office. ECPAT UK(2004). Cause of Concern? London Social Services and Child Trafficking. London: ECPAT. National Childrens Beaureau, (2002). Is Someone Taking a Part of You? London: NCB. Rossenberg, R. (2004). Best practices for programming to prevent Trafficking in Human Beings in Europe and Eurasia. Maryland: Development Alternatives. USAID. (2006). Trafficking in Person: USAIDs Response. Washington DC: USAID

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Vulnerability Issues In A Case Study Social Work Essay

Vulnerability Issues In A Case Study Social Work Essay The purpose of this assessment is to identify and discuss the vulnerability issues arising from the scenario. Peter is a vulnerable adult and inclined to be forgetful therefore, reference will be made to the nursing and Midwifery Councils code of professional conduct in respect of duty of care, safety, respecting clients dignity, confidentiality, and consent to accept or refuse treatment. This case scenario is not a real client, therefore no consent was needed and no breach of confidence was made. An attempt will be made to explore whether Peter has the mental capacity to consent to the treatment himself. Guidelines on The Mental Health Act 2005 and the legislation will be included to support this. A discussion will be outlined to the nurses role in safeguarding vulnerable patients and their families, which will include the governments policies and procedures, and the Nursing and Midwiferys Council guidelines. The discussion will also include the consequences of the policies not bein g followed correctly and the outcome that would have on the nurse. The key vulnerability issues relating to Peter and his daughter within the scenario will be identified such as Peters age and his forgetfulness. This assignment will contain the major role and responsibilities of a nurse in terms of ensuring that the rights of Peter are promoted and maintained and will be specifically around him not to be treated in a degrading manner. Autonomy and advocacy, and the interventions which are available to support Peter for his security to be assured and him needing confidence to increase his mobility. The Human Rights Act (2008) refers to individuals rights to make decisions for himself and not to be discriminated against. Peter has a specific right of expression of thought and conscience to accept or refuse care. The assignment criteria require students to explain how Peters autonomy may be promoted by the nurse to gain the ability to make his own decision, including patient-centred care and acting as an advocate. A final requirement of students is to specify and justify appropriate professional behaviour and interventions for Peter. Reference will be made to therapeutic relationships between t he nurse and Peter, highlighting the support the nurse should give to the patient and his family, and to discuss the importance of maintaining professional boundaries. The multi-disciplinary team will also have to assess Peters home to see if there were any adjustments needed to support him further with his mobility. Peter would also need further extensive health services if he agrees to go ahead with the surgery. The paper is presented in accordance in line with the Universitys academic guidelines presented as appendix 7 in the Student Handbook 2010. References will also be citied in line with the Universitys own version of the Harvard referencing system. Main Body Vulnerability Section 1 According to Rogers 1997, vulnerability is Liable to damage or harm, especially from aggression or attack. Vulnerability is when a person is put into a situation where they are not familiar with, which makes them feel uncomfortable. A vulnerable adult is anyone over the age of 18 who is unable to protect themselves against harm or exploitation. The types of people who may be particularly vulnerable are children, the elderly, adults with visual, hearing or speech impairment. Other types of vulnerable adults include those with learning disabilities, mental health problems or a severe physical illness. People who require care services may have an increase in their vulnerability as they are entering a new environment with unfamiliar surroundings. Another factor could be their age and if they are unable to take care of themselves. Therefore, they are not in control of the situation and could become fully dependant on a nurse to care for them which to the patient increases their risk of becoming vulnerable. Peter is particularly vulnerable due to him being 85 years old and inclined to be forgetful, also the fact his daughter is trying to force Peters decision in going ahead with the surgery yet he is no longer certain he wants too. Abuse is a violation of an individuals human and civil rights by any other person or persons (Department of Health, Pg 9). Abuse can consist of a single act or repeated acts. It may be verbal, physical or psychological; it may be an act of neglect or an omission to act. It may occur when a vulnerable person is persuaded to enter into a financial or sexual transaction to which he or she has not consented, or cannot consent. Abuse can occur in any relationship and may result in significant harm to, or exploitation of the person subjected to it. A nurses most important responsibility is to the client first. The NMC (2008), states that Nurses have an absolute duty to safeguard and protect vulnerable adults from harm. The responsibility of a nurse is to promote health, prevent illness, restore health and alleviate suffering. A nurse should take appropriate action to safeguard the individual when their care is endangered by a co-worker or anyone else. Nurses have a right but also a responsibility to act on behalf of the client if they feel he or she is being mistreated. Registered nurses hold a position of trust to the client and this must never be breached, they should also maintain professional relationships with vulnerable clients at all times. A nurse not only has a professional duty to protect vulnerable clients, but also a legal responsibility. If a nurse failed to comply with legal obligations they could be struck off the NMC register, but also it could be classed as a criminal offence. The Independent Safeguarding Authority is a government policy which helps to prevent unsuitable people from working with vulnerable adults. They assess those individuals working or wishing to work in regulated activity that are referred to them on the grounds that they pose a possible risk of harm to vulnerable groups. The Government ensures the safety of vulnerable adults by integrating strategies, policies and services relevant to abuse within the framework of the NHS and Community Care Act 1990, and the Mental Health Act 1983. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Code of Practice is another vitally important piece of legislation setup by the government. The Code of Practice provides guidance and support to anyone who is working with or caring for adults who may lack a decision making capacity. This includes professionals, carers and families who know the person best. It focuses on those who have a duty of care to someone who may lack the capacity to agree to the care that is being provided. As the NMC (2008) states, You must disclose information if you believe someone may be at risk of harm, in line with the law of the country in which you are practising. Section 2 The key vulnerability issues relating to Peter is that he is an elderly client of 85 years. He has not yet consented to the treatment as he is feeling apprehensive as there are major risks associated with the procedure. His daughter is very keen for the surgery to go ahead and Peter is seeking help from the nurse as he obviously feels he cannot discuss his fears with his daughter. Section 3 Article 3 in the Human Rights Act states no one shall be tortured, or suffer inhuman or degrading treating or punishment. Although there is no absolute right to receive care in the UK, all patients have certain rights in their dealings with health care professionals. In 1995, the government issued the patients charter to inform clients of their rights, it is designed to improve the services people receive and it lays down the level of care that people can expect from the National Health Service. The charter was made public so that clients know the standards they should expect, they can take steps to complain and have things put right if the standards are not met. Clients rights include the right to make their own decisions about their own lives and the right to be given appropriate information to make informed decisions. The right to privacy and confidentiality and to be given appropriate assistance in exercising their rights, when they are unable to themselves, such as having an advocate available. Clients also have the right to freedom from exploitative and abusive practice, and the right to have personal beliefs, preferences and choices including religion, culture and political beliefs. Peter should expect the nurse to maintain his rights by having his dignity and privacy maintained while care is being given. The right to be included when making his care plan, the right to accept or refuse treatment, and for his patient information to be kept confidential. Also as Peter asked the nurse to help him make the decision and due to him being vulnerable and inclined to be forgetful, the nurse should act as Peters advocate for him if needed. As the NMC (2008) states: You must uphold peoples rights to be fully involved in decisions about their care. Accountability Accountability is based on three conditions including ability, responsibility and authority. Nurses hold a position of responsibility and to promote efficiency and safety as other people rely on them. They are professionally accountable to the NMC and to the law for their actions. Nurses use their professional judgement, knowledge and skills to make a decision based on evidence for best practice and for the clients best interests. Nurses need to be able to justify the decisions they make. If you are a professional in charge of a task you can be called by law to account what happened, especially if something goes wrong. This is because if a nurse performs a task, they immediately take responsibility for that task and its outcomes As a professional, you are personally accountable for actions and omissions in your practice, and must always be able to justify your decisions (NMC, 2008). Duty of care Any health care professional who undertakes the care of a client owes them a duty of care. A nurses duty of care includes managing risk appropriately, work effectively as part of a team, share information with colleagues and delegate effectively. Treat people as individuals and respect their dignity and confidentiality. Nurses should also need to ensure they gain consent, maintain clear professional boundaries, and collaborate with those in your care. Confidentiality The most essential element to confidentiality is it must be built on trust. The nurses need to know that the client trusts them but also that they trust the nurses professional judgement, knowledge and skills. It is also essential that the nurse feels the client will inform the nurse all that is necessary to deliver the most appropriate care. Confidentiality is an integral component of the nurse-patient relationship and a fundamental element of professional conduct and ethical practice. Sharing information with other professionals can only be done on a strict need to know basis, and patient confidentiality can only be breached in exceptional circumstances. Nurses must maintain confidence and respect the privacy of a patients health information at all times. Professionals must only disclose confidential information with consent from the client, if they are required to by the court of law or where they can justify that it was in the publics interest. Section 4 Autonomy Autonomy is about independence and the freedom to choose, and about not being coerced into doing something one would not otherwise choose to do. Autonomy has been defined as the power of self-determination and freedom from alien domination and constraint (Smith, 1967). Autonomy involves clients making choices for themselves. As a nurse you should actively encourage clients to be involved in the decision making process and ensure that their voice is heard. Respecting clients autonomy means to treat them as a person with rights and not as objects of care. This mainly involves discussing their care and treatment with them in an open and honest way and allowing them to make their own decision about what care they want to receive. For a nurse to be able to promote clients autonomy there has to be a relationship and effective communication between them and the client. If their autonomy is to be respected, then nurses have to allow clients to make decisions and then act upon them. According to (Hendrick, 2004, pg 95) autonomy is defined as The capacity to make reasoned decisions, the ability to think for oneself, to make decisions for oneself and to act on the basis of such thought. Patient-centred care includes all aspects of how services are delivered to our clients. This includes compassion, empathy, values, preferences and responding to all their needs. A nurse should be delivering this care at all times and make sure they are giving the patient all the information available, communicating to them at all times and educating them about their care and how processes and procedures work, using as little jargon as possible. Emotional support should be provided to help relieve clients fears and anxieties as this can be important to a therapeutic relationship. Advocacy Promoting and protecting the interest of people in your care, many of whom will be vulnerable and incapable of protecting their own interest (NMC, 2008). Advocacy is about acting on behalf of the client in a professional capacity who cannot speak themselves. Anyone could potentially need an advocate as any client may feel vulnerable as they are in unfamiliar surroundings. An advocate is acting as an intermediary between clients and family, significant others, and health care providers. It is a role of support for clients, both speaking and emotionally. As a nurse you have a duty of care to encourage the client to participate or if they cannot speak for themselves then nurses should become that persons advocate by putting their needs and views forward, and to ensure their rights are promoted. You must act as an advocate for those in your care, helping them to access relevant health and social care, information and support (NMC, 2008). Consent Valid consent must be given by a competent person and must be given voluntarily. Nurses have three professional responsibilities with regard to obtaining consent. They need to make the care of people their first concern and ensure they gain consent before they begin any treatment or care, ensure that the process of establishing consent is transparent and demonstrate a clear level of professional accountability. After they have obtained consent they need to accurately record all discussions and decisions relating to obtaining consent. Every adult must be presumed to have the mental capacity to consent or refuse treatment, unless an assessment reveals they lack the capacity to consent (NMC, 2008). When a nurse needs to inform a client about proposed treatment or care it is important that they deliver the information in an understanding and sensitive way. It is essential that they are given sufficient information for them to make a decision whether to accept or refuse the treatment being offered. Nurses should also give the client enough time to consider the information and the opportunity to ask questions if they need too. Nurses should not assume that clients know even basic medical information and should explain every aspect with as little jargon as possible in order for the client to make their choice. There are three different types of consent including verbally, implied and written. Clients can express their agreement by either of these forms. With Peters surgery includes risks associated his agreement should be made by written consent. Written consent is a document which shows the patients choice and that discussions have taken place between them and a professional. There can sometimes be difficulties with gaining consent. There are particular vulnerable groups such as older people, people with mental health problems, people with learning difficulties and children. Nurses need to keep these vulnerable groups at the centre of the decision making process. As Peter is a vulnerable elderly client he is weaker and inclined to be forgetful, therefore an assessment would need to be carried out by a nurse of doctor to assess his mental capacity; professionals should always presume that older people are able to make decisions. In the same way a client can accept treatment, they can also make the choice to refuse treatment, even if this may harm them or cause death. Nurses should find out why they are refusing and then the consequences of declining the treatment and what will happen to their health if they dont go ahead. If this happens it is important that you honour their rights and wishes and document fully any decisions made to refuse, and clearly record that this is the clients choice. You must be aware of the legislation regarding mental capacity, ensuring that people who lack capacity remain at the centre of decision making and are full safeguarded (NMC, 2008). The Mental Capacity Act 2005 provides a statutory framework to empower and protect people who may lack the mental capacity to make an informed decision for themselves. The Act is underpinned by five main principles, the first one being that everyone is assumed to have the mental capacity to make a decision until proven otherwise. Every individual needs to be supported to make a decision and if a person makes what seems like an unwise decision, they should not be treated as lacking capacity. Section 5-last bit In order for a nurse to develop a therapeutic relationship with a client there must be effective communication involved. The very best of care is only achieved if the nurse is committed to getting to know the client in there care through effective assessment as individuals. This involves finding out how best to care for and communicate with them from their perspective, whilst ensuring respect, dignity and fairness are maintained.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Heraclitus - Permanent Flux :: essays research papers

Permanent Flux It is said that every great journey begins with one step. This is not true. A more accurate saying would be, â€Å"every great journey begins with the idea of the journey†, thus leading to the idea of the step, and so on. The steps will surly follow an idea, but nevertheless the ideas will always precede any action. Once one gets an idea in one’s head, one must either forget it, or act on it. Such as the case with the first Philosophers, known now as the Pre-Socratics. The Pre-Socratics, which started around 600 B.C.E., formed ideas of a journey to enlightenment of their society. Instead of dismissing this idea, they thrived off it and took the first steps toward teaching an entirely new way of thinking. These first thinkers of philosophy, which has an appropriate meaning of the love of wisdom, wanted to know more about life, earth, the stars and most importantly, the â€Å"being† of it all. Though not the first of the original thinkers, Heraclitus of Ephesus, wa s among this group of lovers of wisdom and revolutionized the world with his idea of â€Å"being† and allowed mankind to follow in his steps. The Pre-Socratics are known for creating philosophy by searching for a rational order to their world and their being. Prior to the philosophers, man simply accepted the mythological stories and supernatural concepts. The philosophers, however, approached questions to by observing their surroundings. This was the world they could touch and feel, therefore making it an ideal foundation to their quires. The first of the Pre-Socratics examined the natural world and assumed the â€Å"stuff† that made all things â€Å"be† came from the natural surroundings around them. For example, by an early scientific and rational approach, the Pre-Socratics took the four elements of the world, as they knew them to be (water, air, earth, and fire), and studied them. Some deduced water to be the â€Å"stuff†, while others looked to air, or the earth to answers their zealous questions of being. Heraclitus, on the other hand, found a unity in all the elements, and related â€Å"beingà ¢â‚¬  to â€Å"fire†. His reference to fire, however, is purely metaphorical. While his predecessors focused on the actual elements they felt were the â€Å"stuff† that made the existence of being, Heraclitus’ only focused on fire to demonstrate his metaphysical concept of constant flux. Heraclitus is noted for saying, â€Å"there is nothing permanent except change.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Position Argument In Marriage Essay

Marriage is a ceremony or an act completed through contract by which man and woman become husband and wife. It is a loving, caring relationship that provides intimacy and security to all couples. It is entered into because of ensuing political, economic and other advantages and not just of mutual affection. It is viewed legally as civil unions, a legal status and a social institution that simplifies and organizes crucial matters for the partners. Many research studies show that a good marriage is both men’s and women’s bet for living a long and healthy life especially in the area of adult health and well-being.   A leading social scientist name James Q. Wilson explains that persons of the same age who are married have happier life than those who are unmarried. Married people on general are better off and significantly enjoy higher levels of physical and mental health and enjoy greater emotional support and tend to be healthier than those who are either single, divorced or living together. (Wilson 2002) MARRIAGE AND GENDER ISSUES Dr. Robert Coombs of UCLA made a review on recent empirical studies published on how marriage affects adults’ well-being. In his review it shows that there is an intimate link between marital status and personal well-being. On aspect of alcoholism, Coombs review found that there are only fifteen percent of the chronic problems drinkers are married as compared to the fifty five percent who are either divorced or separated. On the other hand, single men are more than three times as likely to die of cirrhosis of the liver. (Coombs 1991) Married people also tend to have long and healthy life. As reported by Erasmus University in Rotterdam married people have lowest morbidity rates, while divorced people show highest morbidity rates. Dr. Coombs’ research review agrees with these findings, as he comments â€Å"virtually every study of mortality and marital status shows that the unmarried of both sexes have higher death rates, whether by accident, disease, or self-inflicted wounds†. (Coombs 1991) Dr. Benjamin Malzberg conducted a research and he concludes that married population in general has much low rates of mental disease than any of the other marital groups. Another research conducted jointly at Yale University and UCLA that supports Dr. Malzbeg findings. Consistent with other researches conducted, result of the joint research also concludes that married persons enjoy better health than the unmarried and founds that the highest rates of mental disorder are among the divorced and separated. The lowest rates are among the married and average rates among the single and widowed. (Malzberg 1996) One the best results of the research conducted of impact of marriage is that it offers general happiness. Married person has significantly higher level of happiness than persons who are not married. What about the homosexuals do they have rights to enter into marriage? Maybe yes or maybe no. Same-sex marriage is a term for a governmentally, socially, or religiously recognized marriage in which two people of the same sex live together as a family. However, the legitimacy of marriage depends on the authoritative definition of marriage. ARGUMENTS SUPPORTING GAY AND LESBIAN MARRIAGE Prof. Sally Haslanger in his arguments in support to gay and lesbian marriage has point out two (2) issues to consider. The issues on equality and issues on promoting good values that leads to good life. These issues are supported by arguments of marriage as normative ideal, the potential of gay marriage for undermining traditional gender norms, and the unjust displacement of gays and lesbians. On first argument: Marriage as normative ideal. The state has an obligation to promote â€Å"valued ways of living†; that is why marriage is viewed by the state legally as civil unions, a legal status and a social institution that simplifies and organizes crucial matters for the partners. It is ideal for how sexuality, companionship, affection, personal economics and child rearing are being organized and put to order. Marriage also promotes â€Å"personal and social flourishing† in ways that are indifferent to other sexualities of the couple. Therefore, the state has an obligation to promote homosexual and heterosexual marriage. (Haslanger 2006) However, the groups of conservative and anti same-sex marriage are opposing this idea. A Conservatives objection to Haslanger first argument relates that gay and lesbian sex is not good for the individuals involved on it and it is not good for the society. Second argument: The potential of gay marriage for undermining traditional gender norms.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Traditionally and on social norms societies are being dominated by males. It is supported by the strict separation of gender roles and the gendered division of labor. By legalizing same-sex marriage traditional gender norms and male domination are being challenge. Homosexuals have already been accepted during the 19th century that they are essentially different from heterosexuals. The concept as a kind of naturally fixed third sex. On the other hand, same-sex marriage is an effective way to fight against injustice like violence against women. (Haslanger 2006)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The conservatives agrees that our society currently live under male domination but they believe that is was just exaggerated. Conservatives points out that distinct gender roles do not necessarily support that male are more dominant. It’s just that in society genders are separate but does not necessarily mean that they are not equal.   (Haslanger 2006)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another objection to the second argument states that gays and lesbians are stereotypes. That they are dangerously uncontrolled, predatory, insatiable, narcissistic and self-indulgent. Therefore, gays and lesbians are considered unfit for assuming gendered familial roles, producing children and cannot sustain long-term stable relationships. (Haslanger 2006) Third argument: Reversing the unjust displacement of gays and lesbians. Arguments on these issues were structured as a response to DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). This act was understood that marriage should only be between one man and one woman and become as a family that is considered as foundation of the society.   This one man and one woman marriage are considered â€Å"fit† for establishing the foundation of society and are therefore â€Å"essential citizens†. Further, those who enters into marriage that differ from DOMA policies are therefore â€Å"unfit† and inessential citizens. With regards to gays and lesbians in relation to DOMA, gays and lesbian therefore lack the special status of   â€Å"essential citizens† and same-sex relationships are not merely a â€Å"lifestyle choice†. Approving same-sex relationship weakens the society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Advocates of same-sex marriage disagree to the arguments stated above they feel that they are being displace and discriminated. Gays and lesbians believe that the state should continue to treat marriage as a pre-political institution but include them as one of the society’s foundation. Moreover, the state to consider marriage as a â€Å"lifestyle† choice and grant them rights similar to heterosexual marriage. SUMMARY Legal and moral case for gay and lesbian equality should be given due account by the state for them to feel that they are given equal treatment by the state and the society as a whole.       Works Cited Coombs, Robert â€Å"Marital Status and Personal Well-Being: A Literature Review,† Family Relations 40 (1991) 97-102. Haslanger, Sally. â€Å"Moral Problems and the Good Life†. (2006) Malzberg, Benjamin. â€Å"Marital Status in Relation to the Prevalence of Mental Disease,† Psychiatric Quarterly 10 (1996): 245-261. Stanton, Glenn T. â€Å"Why Marriage Matters†. Retrieved 9 October 2007 from Wilson, James Q. â€Å"The Marriage Problem: How Our Culture Has Weakened Families† New York: Harper Collins, (2002), p. 16.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communications Plan

INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS PLAN A. ADVERTISING Advertising refers to the paid promotion of goods and services through a sponsoring organization or company. While marketing has the objective to choose markets that have the capacity to purchase a product, Â  advertising, on the other hand, is the paid communication through which relevant information about the product is conveyed to potential consumers (2001). In a general sense, the author plans to use advertising in order to be able to impart to interested Christian women aged 13-45 the availability of slots in the Virtuous Woman Pageant.In a way, advertising will also be able to provide critical information regarding the Virtuous Woman Pageant. The author believes that when the advertising campaign for the Virtuous Woman Pageant is achieved effectively, this can lead to an increased interest for Christian women to join the pageant. There are commonly three main objectives of advertisements: (1) conveying relevant informatio n regarding a particular product or service; (2) persuading consumers to purchase the advertised product; and, (3) keep the company under the watchful eyes of the public (2002).But in this particular case, the author plans to mix the elements of all three objectives. Since the Virtuous Woman Pageant is a relatively new event, then it must be supported with informative and persuasive ads. Evaluation of Advertising 1) Advantages The existence of Internet and the continued revolution in the world of Information Technology are certainly positive signs for the successful advertising campaign for the Virtuous Woman Pageant. For instance, the author plans to use Popup ads and email ads as a form of online advertisement. ) Disadvantages In recent years, the public opinion regarding advertising has become very negative. They view it as a medium that only promotes lies. This is of course contrary to the purpose of advertisements to encourage the target market to patronize a particular product or service. Nowadays, most advertisements are either perceived as merely stating opinions or portraying a product or service in a totally distorted idea away from reality. It is his alarming situation regarding the true objectives of advertising that could lead to an increase in the responsibilities that the author and the organizers of the Virtuous Woman Pageant would face. B. PUBLICITY Publicity is a term that is closely related to public relations. While public relations refers to the proper management of all means of communication among the companies and the people involved, publicity, on the other hand, is the careful management of a product or service’s means of communication between the company and the general public. Therefore, it is basically an informative process.However, its main objective is the promotion of products and services being offered by a company. Thus, a publicity plan is being made along the process in order to obtain excellent press coverage for the company’s products (2003). The author and the organizers plan to issue a press release regarding the launching of the Virtuous Woman Pageant, but other methods including Internet releases are in the author’s options. However, in order for these tools and techniques to be effectively utilized by the media, they must be able to generate a great interest from the public.For this to happen, the author and the organizers of the Virtuous Woman Pageant plans to manipulate the press release in order to be a perfect match to the Christian women. The author believes that the most successful publicity releases are often related to topics that the general public can easily relate to. Evaluation of Publicity 1) Advantages The advantages of publicity include having low costs, and its credibility. New technologies such as web cameras and convergence are gradually changing the cost-structure. ) Disadvantages The disadvantages include the lack of control over how the releases will be used, and the accumulation of frustration regarding the low percentage of releases that are being accepted by the media. C. PERSONAL SELLING Sales are an important part of any commercial transaction. The most common approach to personal selling pertains to a systematic process of continuous yet measurable methods in which the person selling describes his offered products or services in such a way that the buyer will be able to visualize ow to benefit from the offered products or services in an economic way. Selling is basically a part of the implementation procedures of marketing. It often forms a particular grouping within a corporate structure, employing independent specialist operatives known as salesmen (2003). The continued interrogation in order to understand a consumer’s goal as well as the establishment of a set of feasible solutions by conveying the necessary information that convinces a buyer to achieve his goal at a reasonable cost is the main responsibility of the sales person.On the other hand, the main objective of professional sales is to be able to know the needs and satisfy the wants of consumers effectively, and therefore convert possible customers into actual and reliable ones (2002). Evaluation of Personal Selling 1) Advantages Some of the distinct advantages that the author sees in the use of personal selling as an IMC tool for the Virtuous Woman Pageant include the immediate access to feedback, the persuasive nature of the endeavor, the option of choosing a target audience for the sales person, and its capability to give detailed information. ) Disadvantages Personal selling may have the tendency to become extremely expensive per exposure, and the gathered information may be different among the sales persons involved. It is a well-known fact that the main objective of selling is to help a consumer achieve his / her goals in a reasonable way. However, this is not always the case. For instance, Christian women can easily be persuaded by outside factors to join the Virtuous Woman Pageant that normally does not have any interest to them.Some sales people are being commanded by their mother companies to sell to consumers odd products that they don't necessarily need. This anomalous behavior is being supported by incentives of sales personnel to increase their total number of sales, incentives from the companies of service providers to sales personnel to sell their products where other similar products offered by competitors are offered, and the incentive to sell a consumer a product that is in need of being wiped out.CONCLUSION The results of the analysis carried out on the proposed IMC tools that would be used for the Virtuous Woman Pageant indicated very significant effects, even amidst the threats of unrest. Therefore, we could conclude that the IMC tools could still be expected to contribute to the successful launching of the Virtuous Woman Pageant. The review of the capabilities and resources of the IMC tools revealed very little inconsistencies regarding the overall strategies.This is coherent with the traditional inside-out approach. However, the need to reconcile both the inside-out and outside-in approaches becomes imperative now for the author and the organizers of the Virtuous Woman Pageant. The analysis among the environment as well as the capabilities of the IMC tools revealed certain gaps, most of which are biased towards the environment.However, these gaps paved the way towards determining a number of recommended strategic options to secure the competitiveness of the IMC tools. Also, the author and the organizers of the Virtuous Woman Pageant has to find a balance between adherence to internal forces within the management and to the changing forces of the environment in order to implement such strategic options Read more: http://ivythesis. typepad. com/term_paper_topics/2009/11/integrated-marketing-communications-plan. html#ixzz29wJi0bUf

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Double circle problem

Double circle problem The double circle problem would require a creative divergent thinking approach. This is a type of thinking that results in the production of several ideas from one single entity. All the ideas may not be workable, but from amongst them, one can find a new and refreshing solution. It requires ‘thinking outside the box’ since the conventional route will not yield desired results.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Double circle problem specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the case of the double-circle problem, one is required to draw two parallel circles- one small one inside a large one- without lifting the writing instrument. Clearly, this is not a problem that one can solve using conventional methods of thinking. One needs to consider all possible ways of handling the problem. The instructions state that one cannot lift one’s pen, but they do not state that one cannot rearrange one’s paper. T hrough creative thinking, one immediately realizes that the problem is easily solvable when one changes the paper. Therefore, one can start by drawing the inner circle; that is, start with a line from one point and then go round and back to the starting point. After drawing this first inner circle, one should keep the writing instrument (pen) at the starting point and then use the other hand to fold the paper on which one is drawing the diagram. It should be noted that for this method to work, one should draw the circles near any of the four corners of the paper. After folding one corner of the paper into a triangular shape, the tip of the fold should meet the pen or drawing instrument. One can then move the pen outward through the folded bit and when one gets to the unfolded part, one can draw a bigger circle around the small one. However, this will leave some space, in the outer circle, equal to the folded bit. To overcome this problem, one should unfold the corner (while still keeping the pen on the paper) and then complete the outer circle. Types of organizational problems that require this type of thinking Organizations often deal with scenarios where they have to solve difficult problems even after exhausting all logical avenues. In such scenarios, they will need to use creative thinking to get out of such dilemmas. For instance when a battery manufacturing company has made and sold a whole line of batteries that leak, it could face the possibility of loosing all its clients owing to this error. However, if members of the firm think of creative ways to correct the problems, then they can turn that disastrous event into an insignificant one. Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They may think about changing the name of the battery and recalling all the faulty ones. Besides this, they can implement a new quality system and then remarket th e new ones as fault proof. Additionally, organizations require creative thinking when introducing new products in the market or when starting up. Entrepreneurs use divergent thinking methods in order to determine new ways of generating value from available resources. One person may look at stockings and think of nothing new about them; however, the entrepreneur may create something significantly different by introducing stockings with an additional leg that can be folded and tucked between the other two legs when one is wearing them. The third, folded one can be exchanged for a torn one when the situation arises. Such a person has introduced something significantly different, and he or she can only do that when using divergent creative thinking. In addition to solving difficult organizational problems and starting new businesses, companies can also use creative thinking when introducing new products. IBM introduced its 1981 PC to the market by letting its engineers create a comple tely different computer using a series of start up materials. As a result, this model revolutionized the computer industry and made the PC a mass product.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

1920s Prohibition and the Rise in Crime essays

1920s Prohibition and the Rise in Crime essays In 1933 the Prohibition on Alcohol was repealed, and the consumption of alcohol was finally made legal, soon after this legalization, Congress passed a law making laws against drugs in the United States. It has been determined by many scholars that ending alcohol prohibition was more harmful in the United States than as it was beneficial. Shortly after this time, a major drug problem began to arise, and the United States has been faced with a drug was ever since. If not for the legalizing of alcohol it is quite possible that our drug epidemic in the U.S. may have been avoided. In 1920, Congress passed the Eighteenth Amendment making alcohol consumption illegal. "The Eighteenth or Prohibition Amendment passed both houses of Congress in December 1917 and was ratified by three-fourths of the 48 state legislatures 13 months later. From 1920 until 1933, the manufacture, sale, and consumption of alcohol was prohibited in the United States./ As with tobacco, the opiates, and cocaine, the legislation failed to create a general climate of abstention. And where there was a populace of willing consumers, supply was still able to keep pace with demand." It was very obvious that during the thirteen years that this act was in effect that there was still a major amount of alcohol being supplied in the country. Many organized crime bosses were in power and dispensing of alcohol and producing all over the country, not to mention local people making it themselves. "Alcohol remained available during Prohibition. People still got drunk, still became alcoholics, still s uffered delirium tremens. Drunken drivers remained a frequent menace on the highways... The courts, jails, hospitals, and mental hospitals were still filled with drunks..." The amendment only had one positive repercussion during its time and that was it did cause fewer people in the United States to consume alcohol. It was very obvious to Congress that the law was ineffective, an...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Health Care Roles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Health Care Roles - Essay Example It can also help sick individuals to find support from being a part of groups comprised of other patients who are also in similar situations and thereby influence or reinforce their attitudes to the illness and aid them in developing coping mechanisms.(NCI, 1989) Communication may be verbal, which is the spoken communication, or non-verbal which contributes meaning to the verbal expressions or may occur independently of verbal communication – such as the body motions and gestures, facial expressions, smiles, nods, which also function as a medium of communication. While communication itself is the process of transmission of messages and the interpreting of their meaning, during therapeutic communication, a care giver seeks to communicate with empathy and elicit such responses from the patient which will be beneficial to his or her well being. Therapeutic communication is geared towards promoting the well being of the patient through communication and interpretation of both verbal and non verbal cues. It is especially useful in the field of nursing and in the care of patients who may face chronic health conditions, because it is an aid in facilitating positive clinical outcomes. The given scenario concerns the patient Vivian, who has been suffering form abdominal pains for some time but has not been able to avail of health services due to a lack of health insurance. However, as soon as she gets a job and secures health insurance, she schedules an appointment with the doctor. The dà ©cor of the waiting room is stark stark, with only two notices up on the wall – one stating â€Å"Turn off cell phones† and the other â€Å"have co-pay ready.† She signs in at the front desk but before she can even begin to state her problems and mention the pain she is in, the assistant tells her to take a seat and calls another patient who

Friday, October 18, 2019

Personal Responsibility in College Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Personal Responsibility in College Life - Essay Example Personal responsibility refers to the sense of realizing, recognizing, accepting and fulfilling the responsibilities for one's individual acts, thoughts, behaviours and responses. Personal responsibility is to comply with the obligations and personal duties that are expected from a person while living in a particular society and environment. When an individual has the sense of understanding his responsibilities and duties he can set the directions for his actions because he becomes aware of the potential consequences and effects of his acts upon his personality as well as the people and surrounding environment. When people gain complete understanding and awareness of their responsibilities and obligations they are able to make the right and informed decisions and choices about their life. They could follow the ideas and plans for their personal improvement because they know their boundaries and potential. It makes people realize their importance and role behind the completion and suc cess of certain tasks and, thus, also motivates them to play their part and make positive contributions towards the fulfilment for certain jobs (Brown, 2009). For me, personal responsibility means a lot because it is all due to personal responsibilities realization that I have gained something in my life as a student and as a member of the society. It is something that keeps me aware about the commitments with myself and the society and also motivates to seek the better ways for the attainment of my goals, career plans and social obligations. During the initial years of my life, I was directed by my parents to differentiate between right and wrong. However, as I grow my sense of taking personal responsibility also grew and gradually I turned into a responsible member of the family, educational institution and the society. I believe that all the successes of an individual are mainly contributed by his sense of recognizing and complying with the personal responsibilities. Hence, what I am today is mainly due to my behaviours, my words, my actions and my thoughts and it would never be possible for me to keep all these elements in single and right direction without giving awareness about my personal responsibilities. It implies that personal responsibility encourages people to build their personalities, career, social status and family life. Personal responsibility guides people during each phase of the life to make sensible and constructive decisions (Susan et al, 2009). Relationship between Personal Responsibility and College Education Personal responsibility appears to be an important issue when it comes to college education. The awareness of personal responsibility distinguishes a mature adult from a child and enables him/her to act as a fully functional human being. Personal responsibility compliments success and achievement because it motivates a person to accomplish the things that he/she wants in life. This motivation plays an important role during the col lege education. The teachers and instructors perform their duties by educating the students. Without realization of personal responsibilities one could not do well at any educational institutes because there are certain things that the students have to learn at their own. The management of time and

Labor rights for illegal immigrants and why we should support them Research Paper

Labor rights for illegal immigrants and why we should support them - Research Paper Example Who are Illegal Immigrants? It is difficult to define illegal immigrants. Where illegal migration begins and ends is a matter for each sovereign state to define (Tapinos). There are two types of illegal migrants- those who enter illegally and those who overstay after entering legally. Seasonal workers who fail to return after the expiry of the contract and rejected asylum seekers are also part of the second group. In countries like USA and Canada, which are open to migration, illegal immigration is one of the options to become would be immigrants. But in countries of Europe, it is the only option except for those applying for asylum or family reunification (Tapinos). It is estimated that there is about four to five million illegal immigrants in USA, which is about 1.5% of the population 300,000 in Greece (3%) and Italy (0.5%) ( Tapinos). Illegal migrants join illegal job market where he agrees to work for fewer wage than the local workers. Employers in developed countries benefit as they need to pay only low wages. The welfare contributions and non wage costs would be less. The illegal workers do not bargain and will not create any problem even if forced to work for long hours. The illegal immigrants are always eager to get regularised. ... Importance of Labour Rights for Working Immigrants According to International Labour Organization (ILO), 20% of world’s workers are in industrialised countries ie.600 million. There are 2.5 billion workers in the developing countries (Martin). There were 191 million international migrants in 2005. It was 76 million in 1960 and 175 million in 2000 (Dittrick). A migrant worker is "a person who is to be engaged, is engaged or has been engaged in a remunerated activity in a State of which he or she is not a national (Convention). In 1990, the UN General Assembly adopted International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. It may be noted here that labour rights are human rights. International human rights apply to all human beings. Everyone, whether citizen or immigrant, legal or illegal enjoys basic human rights such as right to life, liberty and security of person; freedom from slavery and torture; right to equal protecti on of law and freedom from discrimination; freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention; the presumption of innocence; and the right to freedom of association, religion and expression (The Rights of Migrants). The universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), and Conventions adopted by the International Labour Organisation gives the right of association, the right to free choice of employment, the right to equal remuneration for work of equal value, and the right to just and favourable conditions of work to the immigrants. It also prohibits forced labour and

Employee Engagement and it's impact on the success of the business Term Paper

Employee Engagement and it's impact on the success of the business (Human Resources Management ) - Term Paper Example To reduce the dissuasion that the employees had, a study was conducted after which the relevant recommendations were given and they were then implemented considering the practicality and the effectiveness. The whole idea for the formation of the report is to analyze and identify the reasons that exist because of which the employees are unsatisfied or have some kind of issues with the company. To achieve employee satisfaction, is a very important task for any company because satisfied employees are those who will work effectively and therefore also have a positive impact on the profits of the company. Employee satisfaction is a major factor that companies are willing to spend a lot of cash on so that they can have a very satisfied work force. It is not important that all the employees should be paid well only, there are other factors like satisfaction and a peaceful and happy environment is also a very important and crucial factor that the employees look for when they work for any com pany (Federman, B. , 2009). Constant training should be given to the employees. Employees would feel that the management is interested in improving the conditions of the employees and as well as have them motivated. It has been seen again and again that when the employees have stagnancy in their jobs they start feeling dissatisfied and end up leaving the job. This increases the turnover in the company and the reputation of the company is reduced. The constant training which will be given will make the employees think that the company is interested in the growth of the employees. Evaluation of the process is done to ensure that the best practice is employed. If a process is done in alignment with the goals set done earlier, then it will yield results usually. However, if it does not then the matter needs to be looked into further. Evaluation is done by firstly understanding the environment that the business is functioning in and all the related data in that business needs to be analy zed. A good idea also doesn’t necessarily lead to good results. Therefore it needs to be implemented properly in order to reap its full benefits. The implementation needs to be analyzed by seeing the participants involved in the process, their interaction and teamwork elements etc. the impact on the community and the training that participants may require or may have been involved in in their work (Federman, B. , 2009). In today’s globalized world, Human Capital is considered to be more important as compared to financial capital. The kind of workers that you have hired in your organization reflects the true condition of your organization. If the organization contains all â€Å"A† class workers then the organization tends to be a successful one, while if they do not hire the right kind of people then, it is the organization that suffers as a whole. Through right kind of hiring the organization can achieve its purpose. It is highly recommended that the employees h ave the required requirements of Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs) so that the organization is capable enough to reach its goals (Macey, W. H., 2009). If the employees are knowledgeable about the required requirements of the company, they know about the qualities that they should possess or they should gain. It is also duty of the company to make sure that they work on the various lackings that exist in their employees. This way the employees will feel that the company

Thursday, October 17, 2019

International tourism management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International tourism management - Essay Example Thus, according to Tribe (2008), the goal of critical theory in tourism is critical emancipation where all stakeholders are given the opportunity to benefit from the tourism industry. Against this background, this essay will begin by explaining the meaning of culture then reflect on some of the cultural aspects that can be taken into consideration and the strategies to implement them by international tourism businesses that seek to establish themselves in emerging markets overseas. The Minster English Dictionary defines culture as, â€Å"intellectual, behavioural, and artistic ideas, beliefs of a particular group, time or place or it can refer to any particular stage of civilization.† Simply put, culture denotes the behaviour of an identifiable group of people living in a particular place. It shapes their way of doing things in their everyday life. The cultural and social environment affects the way people live and behave in several ways in that it shapes their behaviour and the way they conduct themselves in society (McCarthy & Perreault 1993 as cited in Bennet 1995). International tourism businesses which are concerned about the success of their business should also be concerned about the following cultural variables that characterise many emerging tourist destinations: language spoken, type of education the people have, religious beliefs, type of food as well as other social aspects such as marriage, families and roles of women among other things. As going to be explained in detail below, it can be noted that all these factors have a bearing on the way an organisation will operate and thrive in foreign land. Whilst it is important for the international tourism company to retain its business goal of generating income, it can thus be seen that the onus is theirs to recognise the culture of the local people in the area they will seek to establish business for their own benefit. It can also be noted that the emerging markets overseas have more to deal with social

Lighting Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Lighting Critique - Essay Example The placing of lights at the stage has been a success to the musical play. However, some times the lights have caused some hitches during different performances. According to a number of people, many different lights are involved in the musical and create complexity in the operation. For example, the scene of be our guest involves computerized pop up candles. If the computer fails, the scene cannot take place as it is supposed to and information the candles bring cannot be achieved. The musical, beauty and the beast has been written with many short and different scenes. In theatre, the scenes have been differentiated to show day and night by use of light. At the beginning, light is used to show the stage arrangement hence creating a high-quality view for the audience to study the stage setting. In this scene, light is used to illuminate the stage. Light has also been used to emphasize different moments that differ in their moods. When the beast and belle have a romantic scene, there is a lavender lighting. This lighting has been able to emphasize on the romantic scene despite having a human being and a beast act this part. When the merchant is lost in the forest, he finds himself in front of a palace where he is forced to seek for shelter. In theater, lights are usually used to show the difference between the forest and the palace. Lights used for the palace bring a dazzling look into the building providing the audience with a beautiful view. Light can be used to establish the altering position in time and space during a performance. This is shown in the scenes that have to run concurrently on stage. Light has been used to emphasize the scenes as they run. Dim lights are used on the dormant scenes and brighter ones on the current scene. For the musical, this has been a success. In the musical, lighting has been perfectly used to emphasize different times of the day. Blue has been used to show scenes created in the night, whereas red and orange has been used to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Employee Engagement and it's impact on the success of the business Term Paper

Employee Engagement and it's impact on the success of the business (Human Resources Management ) - Term Paper Example To reduce the dissuasion that the employees had, a study was conducted after which the relevant recommendations were given and they were then implemented considering the practicality and the effectiveness. The whole idea for the formation of the report is to analyze and identify the reasons that exist because of which the employees are unsatisfied or have some kind of issues with the company. To achieve employee satisfaction, is a very important task for any company because satisfied employees are those who will work effectively and therefore also have a positive impact on the profits of the company. Employee satisfaction is a major factor that companies are willing to spend a lot of cash on so that they can have a very satisfied work force. It is not important that all the employees should be paid well only, there are other factors like satisfaction and a peaceful and happy environment is also a very important and crucial factor that the employees look for when they work for any com pany (Federman, B. , 2009). Constant training should be given to the employees. Employees would feel that the management is interested in improving the conditions of the employees and as well as have them motivated. It has been seen again and again that when the employees have stagnancy in their jobs they start feeling dissatisfied and end up leaving the job. This increases the turnover in the company and the reputation of the company is reduced. The constant training which will be given will make the employees think that the company is interested in the growth of the employees. Evaluation of the process is done to ensure that the best practice is employed. If a process is done in alignment with the goals set done earlier, then it will yield results usually. However, if it does not then the matter needs to be looked into further. Evaluation is done by firstly understanding the environment that the business is functioning in and all the related data in that business needs to be analy zed. A good idea also doesn’t necessarily lead to good results. Therefore it needs to be implemented properly in order to reap its full benefits. The implementation needs to be analyzed by seeing the participants involved in the process, their interaction and teamwork elements etc. the impact on the community and the training that participants may require or may have been involved in in their work (Federman, B. , 2009). In today’s globalized world, Human Capital is considered to be more important as compared to financial capital. The kind of workers that you have hired in your organization reflects the true condition of your organization. If the organization contains all â€Å"A† class workers then the organization tends to be a successful one, while if they do not hire the right kind of people then, it is the organization that suffers as a whole. Through right kind of hiring the organization can achieve its purpose. It is highly recommended that the employees h ave the required requirements of Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs) so that the organization is capable enough to reach its goals (Macey, W. H., 2009). If the employees are knowledgeable about the required requirements of the company, they know about the qualities that they should possess or they should gain. It is also duty of the company to make sure that they work on the various lackings that exist in their employees. This way the employees will feel that the company

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Lighting Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Lighting Critique - Essay Example The placing of lights at the stage has been a success to the musical play. However, some times the lights have caused some hitches during different performances. According to a number of people, many different lights are involved in the musical and create complexity in the operation. For example, the scene of be our guest involves computerized pop up candles. If the computer fails, the scene cannot take place as it is supposed to and information the candles bring cannot be achieved. The musical, beauty and the beast has been written with many short and different scenes. In theatre, the scenes have been differentiated to show day and night by use of light. At the beginning, light is used to show the stage arrangement hence creating a high-quality view for the audience to study the stage setting. In this scene, light is used to illuminate the stage. Light has also been used to emphasize different moments that differ in their moods. When the beast and belle have a romantic scene, there is a lavender lighting. This lighting has been able to emphasize on the romantic scene despite having a human being and a beast act this part. When the merchant is lost in the forest, he finds himself in front of a palace where he is forced to seek for shelter. In theater, lights are usually used to show the difference between the forest and the palace. Lights used for the palace bring a dazzling look into the building providing the audience with a beautiful view. Light can be used to establish the altering position in time and space during a performance. This is shown in the scenes that have to run concurrently on stage. Light has been used to emphasize the scenes as they run. Dim lights are used on the dormant scenes and brighter ones on the current scene. For the musical, this has been a success. In the musical, lighting has been perfectly used to emphasize different times of the day. Blue has been used to show scenes created in the night, whereas red and orange has been used to

Differnent types of document creating software Essay Example for Free

Differnent types of document creating software Essay Layering – when within the same file you place images stacked on top of each other   Template- a standard document with pre-set layouts and formats.   Justification – adding extra spaces to text to align the edges so that the lines begin / end at the same place on a page . You can left / right / centre / fully justified   Orientation – which way the page is orientated – landscape or portrait   Wizard- a user interface which presents the user with a sequence of dialogue boxes which guide the user through the task .    Font style- a set of printable /displayable text character/s in a specific style and size. Footer – an area set aside at the bottom of each page   Mail merge – a word processing feature that allows users to personalise letters with names/addresses from a database   Web-authoring software – a web authoring package that is designed to allow you to create web pages and web sites   Resizing – alter the size of an image   Rotating – moving   Shearing – putting two images together to make an optical illusion Cropping – removing parts you don’t want Editing- changing or correcting 5 features of a PPT that could NOT be used in a written report 1. Audio 2. Images. 3. Sound 4. Colours 5. Animations Spell check is used to highlight incorrect spellings so they can be corrected . Compares words entered with words in a dictionary. After spell check the documents like needs to be proof-read because even if the spellings are right , the sentence may not make sense. 3 features of web authoring software you could use to create a website   Creating headings and subheadings   Inserting links Views – standard (similar to word processor screen) , code view (HTML) , Split view (Both views) Ways to transfer images from a database to a website: Copy and pasting   Importing CAD – stands for Computer aided design . It is the use of technology for designs . It is usually used by architects . Buildings can be designed using it. CAD advantages:   You can be more accurate than hand drawing   You can save/ edit ideas so it’s easier/cheaper to modify   You can edit existing ideas which saves time. Describe 3 features of DTP software that could be used when designing a leaflet: 1. Text- can be styled using fonts and colours 2. Background colours- can be changed for blocks of text/images. 3. Page layout templates- each page can have the same layout. Describe 3 features of a website that enable customers to purchase goods online: There’s a shopping cart where you can add all your items and there’s a total sum   There’s an option to set up an account this is so returning customers do not need to re-enter information   Between the retailers website and the bank the payment is made , the data is encrypted. Describe 5 features of word-processing software you might use to make the information clearer   text wrapping – the text can be arranged an image so it’s easier to read. Bold   Italics   Underlining text   Colours Web 2. 0 is the point at which the Internet became truly interactive, with users becoming the most important component of many sites. This benefits as they are able to get Greater knowledge and better marketing. Applications that use this are RSS and Twitter. Describe how you can use ICT to create and use charts when presenting data from a spreadsheet. You can enter all your information into an excel document with all the headings along the top and the information in rows below. Then you select all the cells containing information and go to â€Å"insert† and then select the chart you want. Once the chart has been added in you can go to â€Å"chart design† and modify the chart . What is the most suitable type of software for each of these task:   Write a letter to customers word processing software   Create a leaflet about tennis lessons- DTP   Create a web page that allows customers to place orders online- Web Authoring Software   Editing digital images – graphics software   Storing student’s details- Data handling software Present information to sales staff – presentation software   Produce a mail-merged series of letters – Database CAM- Computer aided design is a software used by engineers and architects to control machine tools in the manufacturing of work pieces. You can create a precise drawing on CAD and then make that 2D design physical by using CAM to make the object. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Communications section.

Monday, October 14, 2019

A Case study of j boats

A Case study of j boats Objective: The objective of this essay is to look at the issue of organizational tensions and basics for successful strategy via the case study of J Boats. This essay introduces the case study of J Boats and the key players, details the five forces analysis, looks at resources and capabilities, tensions, the 4 Ps of strategy and finally comes up with the future recommendations to management and strategic risks faced by J Boats. J Boats and Key players: J Boats is Americas most successful and famous boat-builder. Over the period has won many awards. J Boats operates its business in eight countries Argentina, Australia, Italy, France, England, Japan, Brazil and South Africa. Each year, over 100,000 people around the world sailed on one of their boats. It is operated by only five individuals of a single family. Rod who is the founder of J boats made his first boat Ragtime in 1974. Bob is the co-founder of the company and elder brother of Rod and he made the strategy of business. Jeffery, son of Rod became president of the company in 1987. Stuart and Drake sons of Bob became vice-president and sales manager in the same year 1987. Alan, son of Rod became product development manager. In 1993 Drake left his position and Jim (nephew of Rod and Bob) became sales coordinator. Tillotson Pearson International (TPI) is the major supplier of the company. J Boats has a network of 65 independent of dealers around the world . Five Forces Analysis: The five forces analysis provides a useful framework and checklist for analyzing the competition dynamics of any given industry (Simons 2000, pg 19). The five forces that determine the degree and nature of competition in boating industry are: industry 1. Threat of new entrants Easy to set up for example boat manufacturing can take place in home garage. High investment in research and development and product innovation required. J Boats has created professional dealer network distribution. J Boats have a long history of heavy advertising and this has earned brand equity and loyal customers all over the world. 2. Suppliers All the Boats of J boats are building by TPI and this gives supplier, TPI, a lot of bargaining power. On other hand there is mutual agreement between TPI and J Boats where TPI is exclusive manufacture for J boats. 3. Substitutes Large numbers of recreational activities available e.g. skiing, swimming and outdoor sports such soccer etc. 4. Buyers Buyers are price sensitive. Buyers can easily switch to different suppliers. Dealer earn industry standard margin. 5. Industry rivalry High fixed cost increases the firms willingness to discount to utilize capacity, increasing rivalry. Firms Resources and Capabilities: Resource is more broadly defined as strength of the business embodied in the tangible or intangible assets that are tied semi permanently to the firm (Simons 2000, pg 21). Capabilities refer to the special resources and know-how possessed by a firm that gives it competitive advantage in the market place (Simons 2000, pg 23). J Boats has strengths in the major functional areas of a business, such as research and development and marketing and sales. It has ability to respond quickly and effectively to market needs. J Boats capabilities are also created by being first at creating new design- a first mover and locking out competitors. Tension in organization: Organizations are complex entities in which managers must balance a variety of forces (Simons 2000, pg 7). J Boats needs to balance opportunities and attention. It has three projects in production J/160, J/32 and J/100 that absorbs time and money. It is hard for a company to decide which project to continue with for next years. The managers must ration their time and attention wisely. Secondly, J boats are attempting to grow it business however an excessive emphasis on growth can lead to danger without consideration to profitability. J boats need to balance profit, growth and control. J boats need to make strong financial planning. Only when a business is profitable can managers focus on growing the business (Simons 2000, pg 8). The 4Ps of Strategy: These are Perspective Mission, Position in Industry, Patterns of Action and Plans Goal. These are explained below. Mission statement: A mission statement is a formal commitment to stakeholders that the companys strategy incorporates and recognizes their claims on the organization (Hill 2007 p 34). J Boats mission is to become one of Americas most successful and famous boat- builders. Position in Industry: Means what industry position it wants to achieve through its strategies? (Hubbard, Jaynes, Clowes, Winter, Samuel, Pg. 3.7, 2009). J Boats wants to build best performance sailboats, thus creating value by offering quality products. Patterns of Action: To succeed over the long term, managers must keep their eyes focused on customers and competitors and their ears to the ground. They must listen and learn (Simons 2000, pg 37). J Boats is a best performing brand because of product innovation, advanced research and development and networks and relationships with suppliers and buyers. J Boat is very creative and fast moving with a new idea and currently its moving in low cost boat. Plan Goals: Goals are the ends or results that management desires to achieve in implementing the business strategy. Plans and goals can be used to communicate strategies and coordinate actions (Simons 2000, pg 32). From management perspective greater success of company is to handover J Boats successfully to next generation. Recommendation: These are a few recommendations that could support company to perform in more effective and efficient manner in future. These are explained below. Effective planning system: Effective financial planning means the development and implementation of co-ordinate plans for the achievement of a clients overall financial objectives (Leimberg 2007, p 3). J boats need to make strong financial planning. These will tell the J boats that whether the company is running as efficiently as possible or not. It will also help management to analysis cash flow position, further investment objective and goals. Quality and performance: By being the first mover (means first to create a new performance boat design) in the niche product segment ( i.e. quality and performance) alone is not sufficient to ensure this advantage is maintained, and J Boats must continue to innovate in product development, maintain good supplier and dealer network and stay one step ahead of its competitors. Expansion: To create long-term strategic advantage, J Boats really needs to look to expansion options that ensure strong growth and profitability. On this basis, expansion of new low cost boat and different supplier bases will provide a good foundation. Strategic Risk: The process of overseeing the management of all the firms risks is strategic risk management (Hubbard, Jaynes, Clowes, Winter, Samuel, 2009). However, it is vital that the risk attached to any options is carefully considered by J Boats before embarking on these options. They will significantly change the underlying business model of J Boats, increasing the level of complexity and uncertainty associated with revenue streams generated from new products and markets. In order to successfully integrate any expansion into the existing business, J Boats must ensure that risk management becomes an essential component of the business planning cycle. Conclusion: Future growth and development are clearly important factors in the J Boats business model. The development of brands loyalty and consistency of product innovation and expansion into low cost boat is likely to be the way to success. J Boats ensured that one of the Johnstons was represented on the class association executive board to monitor closely any proposed changes in racing rules that might affect specifications and allowable equipment when racing, this a good example of how the company is ensuring its well placed for the future and has strong capabilities that are able to meet the strategic goals of the company. Company should understand running a business on one supplier base is much more risky in term of long future plan thus its vital to have more than one supplier. Finally we recommend J Boats to consider rotation of duties for fear that if misfortune happen to a family member the business will continue in future without major interruption.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Hsun Ching’s Life Changing Journey :: essays research papers

Hsun Ching’s Life Changing Journey The journey Hsun Ching would embark on began as nothing more than weight on his shoulders. Little did he know, it would be an expedition that would change his life forever. Not only changing his perspective on the world, but also life, his personality, and character. All the risks and sacrifices that Hsun Ching has to make during his journey are a very small price to pay for the positive benefits on his life. The journey not only revolutionizes his outlook on the world and life, but also on the Sutra and what it truly means to the world. Before Hsun Ching embarks on his journey he has nothing but negative feelings toward the expedition. He sees it as a complete and total waste of his time and doesn’t see the way the journey will revolutionize his life. The beginning of the novel depicts Hsun Ching as a man who does not go back on his word, and always follows through on what he says he is going to do. I think this is the main reason that Hsun Ching goes on the journey in the first place. He does not want to be looked upon as a coward and feels as if it is his duty to uphold his word. Throughout the beginning of the novel Hsun Ching makes his views on the sutra perfectly clear stating that the sutra is nothing more than a waste of time and is not real what so ever. His outlook on the sutra will rapidly begin to Senkbeil 2 change as his journey progresses and he soon begins to realize that the journey his is embarking on is one that will change his life forever. I believe the true reason why he finally decides to embark on his journey to find the sutra is because the sutra will bring eternal life to whoever finds it. Despite how much Hsun Ching dislikes the idea of the journey he cannot resist everlasting life and therefore agrees to go on the journey. The beginning of the journey for Hsun Ching is quite pain staking and certainly unmemorable. He begins to question why he ever agreed to go on the journey in the first place. The trail is hard and very unforgiving and as a result it gets Hsun Ching’s hopes way down. But despite all the negativity he still presses on in search of the almighty sutra.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Music Therapy for Autistic Children Essay -- Health, Treatment

II. History of Music Therapy Music Therapy originated in treatment hospitals for World War II Veterans. The doctors and hospital staff realized that the musicians needed training to interact with the patients. They originally had just played music in the hospitals around the patients and did not have any training other than their music training. These realizations lead to the creation of the first college degree program for Music Therapy at Michigan State University (A-9). Music Therapy is now used in many different venues, from children to Alzheimer’s Patients (N-2). According to the American Music Therapy Association â€Å"Music Therapy interventions can be designed to: Promote wellness, manage stress, alleviate pain, express feelings, enhance memory, improved communication, and promote physical rehabilitation† (D-1). They also state that any types of music can be used for therapy and therapy can be used on any types of people including people with not existing medical conditions (N-4). A News Paper Article in New Jersey even states that Music Therapy has uses for anything from birth to adults (J-1). The AMTA States that â€Å"Music Therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program† (D-2). Therapists are available through schools. They also have private pract ices. Depending on the state, there may be state funding for the programs (A-4). When a Therapist works with a child they began planning a treatment. This happens before any treatment is done as well as during the treatment process. They reevaluate during the treatment process to make sure that the treatment... ...n they see that they can do something, they are motivated both within the session and outside of the session (F-1). Research has shown that extemporaneous music attracts ADS children’s attention more than pre-recorded music (F-4). Children are surrounded by instruments throughout their therapy session and they learn about all of them because they are surrounded by them. They can even talk about the instruments outside of the Music Therapy Sessions (K-3). One Mother testifies that â€Å"Perhaps the best part is the carry-over effect† (K-4). X. What does not work When the Tomatis sound method, it was found to not work as well at music therapy (G-1). The research that has been done on Music therapy has been done mainly outside of the USA. The places include Turkey, Denmark, and many others. As of 2000 there were no controlled music therapy research being done (G-2).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Of Mice and Men †the American Dream Essay

The term American dream may not be used too often any more, but especially in the 1930’s it was a very motivating term for the working class. Whether their dream was to own their own company, support their family or even just own a piece of land to call their own, the thought of having a dream that they could fulfil if only they worked hard enough was keeping them moving forward. George and Lennie’s dream was the latter, they longed to own a piece of land, to have animals, and live so no one would have control over them. But throughout the course of the novel, some of their choices adjust the final outcome of their dream. By the end of Of Mice and Men Lennie and George’s dream has been altered in many ways. Although Lennie was killed in the end of the novel, a version of his dream still came true. The basis of Lennie’s dream was that he would be safe from harm and people running after him and that he would be stopped from hurting anyone accidentally. By killing Lennie, George gave him what it was he wanted, even if he didn’t realize it at the time. â€Å"Ever’body gonna be nice to you. Ain’t gonna be no more trouble. Nobody gonna hurt nobody or steal from ‘em† (Steinbeck 106). Without Lennie living, he would no longer be wanted by the people from Weed for accused rape. He would also be spared from Curley and his revengeful killing, because of the accidental killing of Curley’s wife. George knew what he had to do but he didn’t want Lennie to feel any pain in the process. â€Å"Shoot him right in the back of the head†¦he wouldn’t feel nothing† (Steinbeck 45). The way Carlson shot Candy’s old dog was the same way that George shot Lennie. Right in the back of the head he said softly† (Steinbeck 107). The method he used to end Lennie’s life was much more merciful and humane than Curley’s plan. George also wanted Lennie to be at peace, thinking about their dream, their ranch, before he died. Killing Lennie was George’s only option. If Curley had gotten to him he would have had a painful death and even in the possibility of Lennie’s escape, he would eventually be tracked down and killed or sent to an asylum because of his mental disabilities. Because of George’s death and the circumstances they put themselves in, Lennie did not get to see the day that they owned a ranch, but he did ultimately get his dream. We never find out for sure if George fulfills his dream and gets a ranch, but even thought Lennie died, he still has an opportunity to achieve this dream. Lennie is now not driving George out of his jobs and on the run. â€Å"You can’t keep a job and you lose me ever’ job I get. Jus’ keep me shovin’ all over the country all the time† (Steinbeck 11). Since George could keep a job without Lennie, he would be able to get the full stake of pay each month for his ranch and raise the money quicker. He also still has the support of Candy. â€Å"S’pose I went in with you guys. Tha’s three hundred fifty bucks I’d put in. I ain’t much good, but I could cook and tend the chickens† (Steinbeck 59). Not only could George keep a job but he could also have a much more leisurely life. â€Å"I could get along so easy and so nice if I didn’t have you on my tail. I could live so easy and maybe have a girl† (Steinbeck 7). Without having to care for Lennie, George would be able to relax and live a more normal life as a worker. Because of Lennie’s death George may even be able to get the ranch faster and by doing so still achieve a version of the American dream. The American dream is a motivation for many characters in Of Mice and Men but through a series of events, not all their dreams remain the same by the end of the novel. George and Lennie’s dream was their ambition, their reason to keep persevering. They always had it as their ideal, their goal to strive for. If they could just own a ranch they would be happy. But throughout the novel, Lennie is killed and his dream is fulfilled by not having life at all. George’s dream is now altered because Lennie would not be a part of it. Even Crooks had a dream, to go in on the ranch with George, Lennie and Candy, but because of his race, he had to realize that his dream could not be that lofty and his dream was forgotten. All during the novel, the message that is portrayed is that the American dream that is fulfilled is not the same as the dream they originally began with. Throughout the duration of Of Mice and Men, many versions of the American dream demonstrated motivational objectives for the characters. Lennie longed for peace and safety. George wished to have a leisurely life and Crooks hoped for a world where he was not discriminated against. Throughout the novel, these dreams were changed and sometimes even forgotten. Because of this, Steinbeck gives the impression that the American dream can never truly be fulfilled to the dreamer’s original standards.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Kennedy vs. Nixon Essay

â€Å"Peace,† the overall message is about experience and knowing what to do during though times. Nixon’s campaign tried to convey this seriousness by shooting its commercials of Nixon perched on a desk and speaking directly to the camera. In JFK’s 1960 â€Å"Debate,† political ad, he addresses the people in a snappier way, and by â€Å"facing the issues squarely. † However, neither of the candidates’ ads was about issues; rather, they were more contrast in styles. The messages focused on the era as a dangerous time; it was really an election about change versus experience. In Kennedy’s ad, he expresses his ideas directly, specifically, and offers â€Å"new American leadership for the country. † His tone is very magnetic and appealing, and it is quite pleasing to an American to hear that Kennedy thinks that America is a great country, but â€Å"it could be a greater† one. Whereas Nixon speaks with such composure and a serious-minded tone in his ad, it almost seems he is not excited (or even cares) to be there. The way Kennedy carries himself while giving speeches is an especially confident, poised, and self-assured one, so much that he even comments on whether if people think that America was doing everything satisfactorily, that he agreed with them, that they â€Å"should vote for Nixon†! Furthermore, on the Kennedy-Nixon debate, Kennedy appeared looking â€Å"tanned, confident, and vigorous,† while Nixon was â€Å"wearing no make up and a light-colored suit that blended into the background looking exhausted and pale, and sweated profusely. Also, Mr. Nixon’s tone is exceedingly formal, thus making him look a tad bit uncharismatic, (unlike his likable contender). His way of speaking directly to the camera and giving detailed answers to an offscreen speaker, presented him â€Å"as a though, experienced leader able to stand up to the Communists. † In general, while Nixon was not as charismatic and pleasant as JFK, he was a seasoned, experienced, and mature leader ready to stand up to Khrushchev. Moreover, Nixon kept arguing that while Khrushchev was a â€Å"cold, hard, ruthless man,† that we won’t â€Å"be coerced, that we will not tolerate being pushed around,† that he’d continue to â€Å"deal with Communism and the Soviet leaders†¦firmly, and always with vigilance. † In contrast, Kennedy attempted to turn his youth into an advantage, proclaiming in his acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention, â€Å"We stand today on the edge of a new frontier. †

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Analyzing the legalization of drugs

The need to reexamine the existing methods of managing and handling these drug cases proportionally rose with the persistence of illegal drugs amidst existing legal sanctions. This had led to the processing of drug cases not only in court but even outside the court. This is to cope with the great number of drug offenders of varying levels getting apprehended everyday. There were several judicial strategies conceived in order to deal with the massive amount of drug cases. These judicial strategies include the creation of specialized divisions of a drug court in some trial courts, sped-up case processing procedures, deferred prosecution programs requiring court-supervised treatment and counseling and more. There are also combinations of these strategies, all to speed-up the processing of these cases. These cases are screened beforehand in order to know what degree and what level of judicial supervisions would be applicable for the case. This is also essential for early treatment intervention and rehabilitation of the offenders, so as to stop the continued drug abuse and the likelihood of crimes. On the other hand, arguments for the legalization of drugs are constantly being hurled forward in order to finally resolve the existing contentions against the ill-effects of drugs as well as for the perceived benefits both the government and the individuals can actually obtain from legalizing these substances. Arguments for the legalization of drugs One of the most common drugs in the society today is Marijuana. It is known scientifically as the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa, where the leaves are being dried up, rolled into sheets of paper and be smoked just like cigarette or tobacco. It is the most often used illegal drug in the world, known in various names all over, like â€Å"pot,† â€Å"herb,† and â€Å"Mary Jane.† Some users can make use of marijuana by mixing it into food substances or drink it by brewing it with tea. The addictive element of marijuana is its Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC content. The effect of marijuana would depend on how strong or how potent is its Tetrahydrocannabinol content, thus also giving various effects on the marijuana users (Dell and Snyder 630). One of the reasons for finally legalizing drugs, especially marijuana, is founded on the historical context of the â€Å"illegal† substance. In America, for instance, those who lived in the area of Jamestown back in 1611 raised marijuana under the order of King James I for the purpose of crafting rope for the naval force of the British. The â€Å"herb†, as it has been called, also served as a medicinal substance specifically for George Washington who planted marijuana within the premises of Mount Vernon and that the plant was categorized as a prescription medicine until 1937 (Smith 101). Marijuana also has positive sides which can be used as an argument for its eventual legalization. One of the beneficial effects of the use of marijuana rests on its utility for the control of symptoms, especially in chemotherapy procedures, as an â€Å"effective antiemetic† among patients with health profiles such as cancer and â€Å"AIDS patients with wasting syndrome† which led to â€Å"a greater ability to cope emotionally with disabling or life-threatening illness (Gorman 23). Moreover, under the rule of Emperor Chen Nung of ancient China five centuries ago, marijuana has been declared as well as a plant that has medicinal value in terms of curing malaria, rheumatism, constipation, â€Å"absentmindedness† as well as the claims for mental and bodily disorders suffered by women (Grinspoon and Bakalar 3). There is also the contention for the prospect of establishing a regulated drug market which can be a profitable source of government tax. This idea illustrates the observation that the widespread use of illegal drugs and its potential to be a market commodity can overcome the legal restrictions ascribed unto it.   A controlled degree of the regulation of marijuana, for example, creates, instead, an increase in government revenues that may outweigh or, at least, come close to the actual government payments on law enforcement against the production, distribution and consumption of marijuana (Caputo and Ostrom 475). Refutations Drug Abuse is one of the most common criminal cases in the society today. It is a form of substance abuse, just like alcoholism, since these illicit drugs are actually addictive in nature. Because of this, many people who are hooked on drugs cannot easily let go of the addiction, and would often lead to drug-related crimes like robbery, physical assault, or even murder. Not only does these drugs dangerous to others, but it is also harmful in the drug users’ body, causing the body to take into negative turns, like deterioration and organ failures. When a person smokes or inhales marijuana smoke, he would usually feel rapid heart beats, loss of coordination and decreased sense of balance, slow reaction rate and a dry mouth. These are already signs of marijuana intoxication, along with the expansion of blood vessels in the eye, that’s why marijuana users usually have red eyes. The effects of marijuana would usually last two to three hours, where the marijuana user would usually tend to be sleepy. The negative effects of using marijuana would be hindering the user’s short term memory, wherein it would be difficult for him to remember recent events. This would usually lead to car crashes and other accidents, since their sense of coordination is greatly affected. Another dangerous drug would be cocaine. This drug’s effect on the body is really damaging, where addiction to cocaine could bring about permanent damages in one’s body or even death. Cocaine has both short term and long term effects. The short term effects are immediately noticeable, but not that damaging as compared to the long term ones. The common short term effects are a feeling of boosted energy, a decrease in a person’s appetite, and a rather hyped heart rate and blood pressure. There are still many other types of illegal drugs and similar forms of substances that create ill-effects to the overall health of individuals, oftentimes resulting for them to commit crimes that they could not have possibly committed had they not taken these illegal substances. Conclusion Although several illegal substances can actually bring forth benefits for individuals, the negative consequences outweigh these positive sides. Further, not all of these substances have positive effects when used, and that the negative consequences of illegal drug use oftentimes lead to crimes and violence. For these reasons along with the refutations against the legalization of drugs, it can be asserted that the legalization of drugs should not be taken as the ultimate measure for solving illegal drug issues. Rather, the reasons behind the legalization of drugs should be taken as a means in finding the deeper refutations against it. References Caputo, M. R., and B. J. Ostrom. â€Å"Potential Tax Revenue from a Regulated Marijuana Market: A Meaningful Revenue Source.† American Journal of Economics and Sociology 53.4 (1994): 475-90. â€Å"Cocaine Effects.† 2001. Dell, D. D., and J. A. Snyder. â€Å"Marijuana: Pro and Con.† The American Journal of Nursing 77.4 (1977): 630. Gorman, M. â€Å"Substance Abuse.† The American Journal of Nursing 97.11 (1997): 23. Grinspoon, L., and J. B. Bakalar. â€Å"The History of Cannabis.†Ã‚   Marihuana, the Forbidden Medicine. London: Yale University Press, 1997. 3. Smith, G. R. W. â€Å"Possession of Marijuana in San Mateo County: Some Social Costs of Criminalization.† Stanford Law Review 22.1 (1969): 101. Analyzing the legalization of drugs The need to reexamine the existing methods of managing and handling these drug cases proportionally rose with the persistence of illegal drugs amidst existing legal sanctions. This had led to the processing of drug cases not only in court but even outside the court. This is to cope with the great number of drug offenders of varying levels getting apprehended everyday. There were several judicial strategies conceived in order to deal with the massive amount of drug cases. These judicial strategies include the creation of specialized divisions of a drug court in some trial courts, sped-up case processing procedures, deferred prosecution programs requiring court-supervised treatment and counseling and more. There are also combinations of these strategies, all to speed-up the processing of these cases. These cases are screened beforehand in order to know what degree and what level of judicial supervisions would be applicable for the case. This is also essential for early treatment intervention and rehabilitation of the offenders, so as to stop the continued drug abuse and the likelihood of crimes. On the other hand, arguments for the legalization of drugs are constantly being hurled forward in order to finally resolve the existing contentions against the ill-effects of drugs as well as for the perceived benefits both the government and the individuals can actually obtain from legalizing these substances. Arguments for the legalization of drugs One of the most common drugs in the society today is Marijuana. It is known scientifically as the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa, where the leaves are being dried up, rolled into sheets of paper and be smoked just like cigarette or tobacco. It is the most often used illegal drug in the world, known in various names all over, like â€Å"pot,† â€Å"herb,† and â€Å"Mary Jane.† Some users can make use of marijuana by mixing it into food substances or drink it by brewing it with tea. The addictive element of marijuana is its Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC content. The effect of marijuana would depend on how strong or how potent is its Tetrahydrocannabinol content, thus also giving various effects on the marijuana users (Dell and Snyder 630). One of the reasons for finally legalizing drugs, especially marijuana, is founded on the historical context of the â€Å"illegal† substance. In America, for instance, those who lived in the area of Jamestown back in 1611 raised marijuana under the order of King James I for the purpose of crafting rope for the naval force of the British. The â€Å"herb†, as it has been called, also served as a medicinal substance specifically for George Washington who planted marijuana within the premises of Mount Vernon and that the plant was categorized as a prescription medicine until 1937 (Smith 101). Marijuana also has positive sides which can be used as an argument for its eventual legalization. One of the beneficial effects of the use of marijuana rests on its utility for the control of symptoms, especially in chemotherapy procedures, as an â€Å"effective antiemetic† among patients with health profiles such as cancer and â€Å"AIDS patients with wasting syndrome† which led to â€Å"a greater ability to cope emotionally with disabling or life-threatening illness (Gorman 23). Moreover, under the rule of Emperor Chen Nung of ancient China five centuries ago, marijuana has been declared as well as a plant that has medicinal value in terms of curing malaria, rheumatism, constipation, â€Å"absentmindedness† as well as the claims for mental and bodily disorders suffered by women (Grinspoon and Bakalar 3). There is also the contention for the prospect of establishing a regulated drug market which can be a profitable source of government tax. This idea illustrates the observation that the widespread use of illegal drugs and its potential to be a market commodity can overcome the legal restrictions ascribed unto it.   A controlled degree of the regulation of marijuana, for example, creates, instead, an increase in government revenues that may outweigh or, at least, come close to the actual government payments on law enforcement against the production, distribution and consumption of marijuana (Caputo and Ostrom 475). Refutations Drug Abuse is one of the most common criminal cases in the society today. It is a form of substance abuse, just like alcoholism, since these illicit drugs are actually addictive in nature. Because of this, many people who are hooked on drugs cannot easily let go of the addiction, and would often lead to drug-related crimes like robbery, physical assault, or even murder. Not only does these drugs dangerous to others, but it is also harmful in the drug users’ body, causing the body to take into negative turns, like deterioration and organ failures. When a person smokes or inhales marijuana smoke, he would usually feel rapid heart beats, loss of coordination and decreased sense of balance, slow reaction rate and a dry mouth. These are already signs of marijuana intoxication, along with the expansion of blood vessels in the eye, that’s why marijuana users usually have red eyes. The effects of marijuana would usually last two to three hours, where the marijuana user would usually tend to be sleepy. The negative effects of using marijuana would be hindering the user’s short term memory, wherein it would be difficult for him to remember recent events. This would usually lead to car crashes and other accidents, since their sense of coordination is greatly affected. Another dangerous drug would be cocaine. This drug’s effect on the body is really damaging, where addiction to cocaine could bring about permanent damages in one’s body or even death. Cocaine has both short term and long term effects. The short term effects are immediately noticeable, but not that damaging as compared to the long term ones. The common short term effects are a feeling of boosted energy, a decrease in a person’s appetite, and a rather hyped heart rate and blood pressure. There are still many other types of illegal drugs and similar forms of substances that create ill-effects to the overall health of individuals, oftentimes resulting for them to commit crimes that they could not have possibly committed had they not taken these illegal substances. Conclusion Although several illegal substances can actually bring forth benefits for individuals, the negative consequences outweigh these positive sides. Further, not all of these substances have positive effects when used, and that the negative consequences of illegal drug use oftentimes lead to crimes and violence. For these reasons along with the refutations against the legalization of drugs, it can be asserted that the legalization of drugs should not be taken as the ultimate measure for solving illegal drug issues. Rather, the reasons behind the legalization of drugs should be taken as a means in finding the deeper refutations against it. References Caputo, M. R., and B. J. Ostrom. â€Å"Potential Tax Revenue from a Regulated Marijuana Market: A Meaningful Revenue Source.† American Journal of Economics and Sociology 53.4 (1994): 475-90. â€Å"Cocaine Effects.† 2001. Dell, D. D., and J. A. Snyder. â€Å"Marijuana: Pro and Con.† The American Journal of Nursing 77.4 (1977): 630. Gorman, M. â€Å"Substance Abuse.† The American Journal of Nursing 97.11 (1997): 23. Grinspoon, L., and J. B. Bakalar. â€Å"The History of Cannabis.†Ã‚   Marihuana, the Forbidden Medicine. London: Yale University Press, 1997. 3. Smith, G. R. W. â€Å"Possession of Marijuana in San Mateo County: Some Social Costs of Criminalization.† Stanford Law Review 22.1 (1969): 101.